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Friday, July 16, 2010
the day i will never forget. @ 1:43 AM

i'm not totally dreading being back at school but i do miss the laidback 2 weeks quite a bit so i decided to blog about my most favourite yet extremely unlucky holiday memory(of this term).
My most "treasured" memory these holidays was when the girls and i went to the city.
I met up with Mirna, Renae and her awesome ITALIAN cousin Gulia at thomo station at 10.yes early, i know but we wanted to spend as much time together as possible before renae had to go to a wedding rehearsal. While waiting some random old guy who was singing billionaire by travis mccoy suddenly stopped and greeted me with a creepy "hellooo". i walked away. So, trained it to mc where we shopped for about 2 hours like crazy! because it stopped raining we walked outside to burke st where we spent 5 seconds in supre and 50 minutes in forever new- gulia scored a hot as royal blue dress. After fascinating over the spinning mannequins we went outside where renae suggested we tram it to south wharf dfo, we didnt trust her, thinking she'd lead us to like st kilda. but since mirna was sooo desperate to go to the forever new factory outlet we to a stab and went there. Renae was right(surprisingly) nah jks love ya! So was shattered when we found out the price of the bag we wanted was still full price D; So was getting pretty bored of south wharf so trammed back to burke street and i rememba it was tram no. 86 :D
Afterwards we went to photoworld- got outta there and retreated to photoplus where i accidentally put in 1 dollar coins instead of 2 dollar coins. We waited and waited. more waiting. got pretty p.m.sey, then finally we were given two dollar coins. Did our poses and spent unnecessary time editing our photos to perfection.
Went to imagination just down the road and some really cool shoe shop, walked back to mc where we lined up for maccas. told mirna i'll be in the toilet, rejected her offer to come with me. When i came back no one was to be found D; searched the whole food court 3-4 times -,- called renae a million times. Finally she picked up and was scared i had been taken by some sorta rapist/psycho. i practically yelled over the crowd asking where they were, they claimed they saw me when i couldnt. we reunited. Turned out they went to look for me in the toilet because renae didnt know i had gone and refused me being left alone. cute but waste of time because the line for maccas went longer. i went to take out my wallet but then was stressing because i couldnt find it! all worried i had lost 100 bucks and all my gift certificates i bolted back to photoplus following me was mirna then renae and her cuz. It was raining -.- I asked the shop keeper, she was no help watsoever went into the booth we were in, wasnt there. went to the editing booth where i spotted my wallet under the machine and pushed through a couple of strangers who were editing there photos while saying "excuse me, sorry just need to get my wallet from under you". awkward. but happy i didnt loose it. phew. just as i was standing up the chain of my bag caught onto my stockings. i undid it carefully. stood up. caught again. then again. and again. got really pissed so i just ripped it off. poor stockings ;'( we decided to eat lunch at maccas across the road, lucky there were few people. went back to mc where we were about to go on the train but renae wanted to get a cute bag for Collette so we went to find the store but forgot where it was. took us bout 5 mins to find it. by that time we missed the train we were planning to take. Waited some more for the next train and when we got in it we had to stand, mirna and i sat down in the corner on the floor. ew. oh wells stockings were gone anyways.
that was my unlucky but fantastic day. all the bad luck i got is in bold font ;D this is so not my year.

you think you know me.

Lily. Sixteen. Taurus. SMC.

Family & Friends mean the world. Lose either and you'll never be the same.
Koreans.Korea.Korean. Anything to do with that country gets me hyped.
The best things in the world can only be bought with money. The best feelings cannot.
Love a good view and a good book, not to mention Korean Drama.
Aspire to inspire before I expire.
Now I'll stop boring you. Enjoy! Anyeo!
create &inspire.