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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Define love. @ 9:33 PM
Love? What is this love? Just kidding I'm not stupid. But it's difficult to define so here's my go at trying to explain this thing everyone cares about:
Love is an all encompassing concept involving two or more people. Or even one person if you love you're self absorbed. Thinking back upon my very minimal experiences, you know you're in love with someone when:
1. Even under pressure/stress you still think of them
2. You smile when you think of them
3. Your memories of them run as clear as water
4. You feel the need to see them everyday
5. When you see them or about to see them, you look forward to it and don't have any negatives thoughts in your mind
6. You're comfortable around them and I mean really really comfortable
7. They're beautiful, inside and out to you, you never lose attraction to them
8. You're both equal in opinion and decisions
9. You don't feel the need to have to make sure they feel the same way
AND 10! Being able to give up everything if you could have just them
This is not me, so corny eughhh